about me

about me? well, I came from a small southern town, if you think Gainesville qualifies. I became infatuated with radio as a kid and began that career by simply breaking all the rules, and building my own, highly illegal radio station!

when the FCC discovered my ‘way too powerful’, signal, supposedly interfering with government frequencies 150 miles away, in Tampa, they ‘shut me down.’ I then knocked on the door of my favorite radio station and was surprisingly hired!

I moved up in radio markets, as my goal had always been to work in Chicago at WLS. my best friend Joe and I would listen to that station at night, dreaming someday we would open the mic on that hallowed 50,000 Watt station.

we both went on to have great radio careers. Joe could write his own ticket. he turned down market number one, (New York), and chose market two (California’s top cities.)

I was invited to work in Racine by Richard Lange. he was my Program Manager at WDAT. after several years in Racine, I got hired in Milwaukee.

Again I was invited to come to Chicago by a Program Director that I had worked for in Milwaukee! although, I never got to work at WLS, I did work for a CBS radio station, (WBBM-FM), that beat WLS in the ratings!

I love writing. although I have yet to actually finish one, I have written two books. I hope soon to finish, ‘memoirs of a baby boomer.’ it is a heartfelt look at how much things have changed throughout a single lifetime.

I am also very opinionated, and willing to hear other views, as that is the only way we make good decisions, by being informed. I often see that when a person is so quick to say someone is wrong, they missed the part that was partially correct and lost a valuable element of the ‘big picture.’

I try to stay open to new ideas, and I hope this blog will stay that way. But remember I said I am very opinionated. 🙂