replace Social Security Numbers with this!

a ®eMark from eMark ™

‘replace Social Security Numbers with this!’

If Congress would ask security experts, they would probably replace our easily hacked, Social Security number with a highly secure series of new credit ‘rings’ each having different numbers!

A highly secure 128 character alphanumeric number that EQUIFAX could not obtain, could be used as our top-level ‘identity’.

A 64 character alphanumeric number could be used for major purchases, buying a home, boat, airplane, maybe a dollar value minimum?

A third number used for lesser purchases might be a 32 character alphanumeric number.

And day to day (high risk) purchases, (Internet, restaurants, telephone donations, etc.. could be a 16 character alphanumeric number.

All of these numbers are tied to you but the lower rings have no permission to see higher rings.

That way, incompetent credit bureaus would not have access to your number that could cause ‘identity theft’!

There never has been a better time to ‘ditch the Social Security number for credit identity’, and join the 21st Century of security.

Also a class-action lawsuit is a ridiculous waste as there are so many victims, there will probably be less than ten dollars to each of us, ‘data points’. Any governmental fines should also be halted. Simply make them foot the bill for the new state-of-the-art security database.

Construction and design of this system should be researched, and top security experts, maybe some from the new digital currency spectrum could be used. ‘Ring 1’ should be as unhackable as military launch codes.

Identity theft would become a distant thing of the past in this ‘ringed’, multi-leveled, permissioned, ‘Identity system’.

#DitchSSNumber #SecurityRingsNow #LetFreedomRings #BanIdentityTheft

‘nuff said.
Respectful comments are always welcome.